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Youth Protection Law
& Family Law.

Mtre Vivan Nguyen


Mtre Vivan Nguyen has dedicated her career to children’s rights and youth protection law.

A path of excellence

faculté droit Montréal
cour d'appel du Québec
palais de justice de Montréal
concours plaidoirie
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failles du système protection jeunesse
faculté droit Montréal

University of Montreal, Faculty of Law

In 2011, Mtre Vivan Nguyen was awarded a place on the Dean’s Honour List of the Université de Montréal Faculty of Law and won four scholarships for excellence.

cour d'appel du Québec

Internship at the Quebec Court of Appeal

This led to an internship at the Quebec Court of Appeal, the highest court in the province, where she was called upon to conduct research for the judges and draft judgments, working with some of the best and brightest minds in Quebec law.

Vivan Nguyen has always been at the top of her class, from elementary school right through to university studies at Quebec’s internationally-renowned best francophone law school.

palais de justice de Montréal

Bar Admission, TV Appearances, Radio Interviews, News Articles

Called to the Bar in 2020, Mtre Vivan Nguyen has made a name for herself in the legal community not only through a series of wins in difficult cases, but also through her appearances on TVA nouvelles and Cogeco radio. She was also the subject of several newspaper articles, where her passion for children’s rights was highlighted.

concours plaidoirie

English Oratory Competition

Mtre Vivan Nguyen took second place in the English Oratory Competition, a pleading contest between lawyers in the province.

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Lawyer of the Year

Finally, Vivan Nguyen was named Lawyer of the Year among the 30,000 members of the Bar in 2021, 2022 and 2023, as published in Droit-inc, for three consecutive years !


Scandals on the Radio

The latter was also the subject of a scandal surrounding complaints to the Bar by the Director of Youth Protection’s head of legal affairs, as heard on 98.5 FM radio with the notorious Paul Arcand.

failles du système protection jeunesse

The Youth Protection System’s Flaws

Indeed, Vivan Nguyen challenges the flaws in the youth protection system, creating waves that she faces with brio.

Passion, rigor, and excellence

Youth Protection

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Family Law

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Devotion and integrity

This woman is not afraid to fight for justice!

Mtre Vivan Nguyen pleads before the Court of Quebec, the Superior Court and the Court of Appeal.

She is currently a passionate practicing lawyer, but plans to become a legal academic, i.e. a legal researcher and author. Her human side is cherished by her clients, and has also earned her over 37 000 followers on TikTok.

Mtre Vivan Nguyen has a good heart and loves her work above all else.

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