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Youth Protection
Success stories

Our successful court cases

  • In a case where the DYP was seeking a suspension of contact with a parent, Mtre Vivan Nguyen succeeded in obtaining unsupervised visits at home from Friday to Monday (2020 QCCQ 11414, par. 41, 42 and 58).
  • In a case where the DYP requested that a teenager known for serious behavioural problems (running away, drugs, opposition) be kept in a rehabilitation center, Mtre Vivan Nguyen reunited the teen with his parent at home.
  • In several cases where the DYP requested placement in a foster family, Mtre Vivan Nguyen successfully fought for the children to remain with a family member, when the parents were unable to keep the children.
  • In another case, Mtre Vivan Nguyen successfully negotiated the gradual return of a parent to the family home, while respecting the children’s pace and wishes.
  • In several cases, Mtre Vivan Nguyen succeeded in defeating the grounds of compromission in the DYP’s application for protection, namely the grounds of psychological ill treatment and neglect alleged against one or both parents.
  • In a case where placement at the age of majority was pronounced, the court issued a recommendation to the DYP to broaden contact with the parent in the best interest of the child, in accordance with the mandate given to Mtre Nguyen by her client (2021 QCCQ 15516, par. 33).
  • In recent cases, lawyers for the DYP and for the children have congratulated Mtre Vivan Nguyen’s clients in court.
  • In one case, where the child was forced to see a parent by the DYP, the court ordered that contact with this parent be left to the child’s rhythm and desire, in accordance with the position of the parent represented by Mtre Vivan Nguyen.
  • In another case, after applying Mtre Nguyen’s advice, the parents succeeded in obtaining a withdrawal from the DYP and thus a complete closure of the file.
  • In a case where the DYP was requesting a prolonged placement in a group home, Mtre Nguyen obtained an immediate return of the child to the home of a parent.
  • In several cases, Mtre Vivan Nguyen succeeded in obtaining the status of party for her client in the Youth Division of the Court of Quebec.
  • In a recent hearing, the court concluded that there was no risk of the child returning to the family environment immediately, thanks to the serious mobilization of Mtre Nguyen’s clients, as mentioned by the judge.
  • In the context of an application for protection by the DYP, the court refused to declare the ground of compromission of neglect after hearing the evidence.
  • In a youth protection case involving the violation of the parental rights of Mtre Nguyen’s client, the court restored her rights.
  • In a dispute in which the DYP requested that teenager be placed in a rehabilitation center for eight months, Mtre Nguyen succeeded in obtaining a return to the parents home within a reintegration period of 16 days. A satisfactory victory.
  • In a situation where the DYP invoked the serious risk of neglect on the part of Mtre Vivan Nguyen’s client, the judge closed the case for absence of neglect. A well-deserved victory after several months’ work on our part. We’ve brought home a young baby.
  • In a situation where the DYP had recommended suspending contact between the mother and her daughter, even though there had never been any physical, sexual or substance abuse, Mtre Nguyen succeeded in re-establishing minimal contact between her client and the child, twice a week. Every child has the right to benefit from loving, present parents, and above all to be spared parental conflict.
  • Another victory! The DYP filed an urgent application to place a 5-year-old in a rehabilitation center. The judge refused. The child stayed with the family. The whole family wept with joy: mother, aunt, grandmother and stepfather! The judge indicated that the DYP’s evidence was not preponderant.